The geoENVia association

The aim of the association and of these pages is to promote the application and use of geostatistical methods for environmental issues.

This site should provide provide a rapid access to different sources of information: conference, short courses, books, selected articles, contact to members of the association, softwares, etc. to researchers and professionals. Special services are offered to the member of the association (updated member directory, access to the geoENV conference poster papers).

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you want to provide links to potentially interesting pages or references.

New geoENVia President

The new geoENVia President, elected during the last assembly of the association during geoENV2024 is Emmanouil Varouchakis, from the Technical University of Crete, who was praised by the Assembly for his organization skills during the preparation and running of a successful meeting in Chania.

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geoENV2026 · coming up in Limasol, Cyprus

Keep an eye on this page for details about our new conference in Limassol, on the island of Cyprus, in June 2026. It will be the 16th edition and mark the 30th anniversary since the first one: geoENV96 in Lisbon

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geoENV2024 · Save the date

So you know which conferences to attend in 2024, we have already reserved 19 to 21 of June for geoENV2024 in Chania, Greece. Save the date! The geoENV2024 website is also live: And a new logo has already been designed with Chania’s landmark lighthouse.

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geoENV2022 · at last

It took three tries until the Parma conference could be held. Thanks very much to the organizing committee for going through all the work to prepare geoENV2020, which had to be canceled due to COVID when everything was almost ready to go; to organize geoENV2020 in 2021 as a one-day virtual conference with the participation …

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